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Learning partnerships


UX Designer


Karlskrona, Hybrid


Aug 26 - Nov 1, 2024


20 000 SEK


In this innovative UX Design course, students will delve deep into the facets of inclusive design, ethical practices, and research-driven approaches. Emphasising the significance of diversity and representation within design processes, the course also guides students on adhering to the highest design ethics while satisfying business requirements. By incorporating relevant research techniques and methods, students will learn to validate their assumptions, augmenting their design competence. Upon course completion, students will possess a rich toolkit of skills to enhance their design work, preparing them as accountable, efficient designers capable of thriving in the real world.

Course Goals Students

  • Explain the business and human value of diversity and representation in a workplace
  • Maintain a proper design process and ethics while also meeting business needs
  • Select relevant research methods and conduct research to validate assumptions

Project Description

This course aims to provide students with hands-on experience, enabling them to implement inclusivity, ethics, and research methodologies in the design process effectively. In understanding the commercial and societal value of diversity and representation in a professional environment, they will acquire skills to uphold a proper design process, balancing ethical concerns with business requirements.

Simultaneously, students will hone their ability to choose relevant research methodologies, thereby conducting research to validate assumptions. This will further support their clients in formulating strategic design and business pathways.

The desired outcome is that the students will be proficient in applying these concepts to their design work, evolving into responsible, efficient designers who prioritise inclusivity, ethics, and research in their approach to client business needs.

The course includes learning sessions on the following topics:

  • Inclusivity in Design
  • Ethical Design Practices
  • Research Methods & Techniques
  • Diversity in the Workplace
  • Research Planning
  • Validating Assumptions.

The collaboration within this course offers a peer-learning experience for the clients and students alike. Students gain practical insights into research methods and prototyping, coupled with valuable guidance from industry professionals. Clients, on the other hand, get to engage with budding talent and gain fresh insights into business problem-solving.

Designing for Inclusivity and Ethics: Collaborating with students offers clients the unique opportunity to ensure their designs prioritise inclusivity and ethics. Together with the students, clients can comprehend the commercial and societal value of diversity and representation and collaborate with ethical designers to meet their business needs.

Research-Driven Design for Real-World Impact: Collaboration with a diverse student team that comprehends the value of research and validation in design adds a unique perspective. Clients, along with the students, will explore relevant research methodologies, validating assumptions to ensure their designs resonate with real-world impact, satisfying their target audience's needs.

This course offers students the framework to implement inclusivity, ethics, and research methods in their design process. Collaborating with these students allows clients to leverage their expertise, gain new insights, and ensure their designs prioritise diversity, representation, and research-driven perspectives. Through constructive feedback and active participation, the client plays a pivotal role in shaping the process and progress of the work, aligning it with their specific business requirements.


At the end of this project the student can deliver the following to their client, 

UX Research Summary: This should succinctly present the chosen research methodologies and highlight critical insights. It should demonstrate how these findings influenced their design decisions.

Ethics and Inclusivity Proposal: A brief document outlining how the principles of inclusivity and ethics, as learned during the course, have been integrated into the design approach.

Low-Fidelity Prototype: A basic, yet thoughtfully designed, prototype or wireframe, reflecting the design solution conceptualised based on research findings and inclusivity principles.

Pitch Deck: A well-structured presentation deck that encapsulates their research, design decisions, ethical considerations, and inclusivity principles, along with the logic behind their prototype. This deck should narrate a persuasive story about their design journey.

Feedback and Iteration Record: A concise logbook documenting essential feedback received throughout the course and how it prompted alterations in the design.

The emphasis of these deliverables is not only on the final product but also on showcasing the students' learning journey, their comprehension of course principles, and their ability to apply them in a practical design scenario. 

For the client; The peer-learning experience and the collaboration with the students is equally important to consider.

Client information

How will you collaborate?

Experience based Peer-Learning

In this collaborative experience the students will apply a Design Thinking approach following the process of empathise, define, ideate, prototype and test alongside the Hyper Island Experience Based Learning process of doing, reflecting, generalising and applying. In connection with this, the client will take an active role in providing feedback-loops and anchoring the process and progress of the work to their business needs.

Meetings: The client and the student team are expected to meet at least once a week.

The Hyper Island Way

The Hyper Island Way™ is about doing. By working with clients the students will grow and find the confidence to be what’s next in the industry. This also emphasises peer-learning and exchange of experience, perspectives and knowledge between students and industry professionals.

Community Innovation

Peer-learning is the bedrock of innovative growth, sparking the kind of creativity and problem-solving that no single mind can generate on its own. By enabling the exchange of diverse ideas and perspectives, it fosters a collective wisdom that drives groundbreaking solutions. By investing in peer-learning, we're not just facilitating knowledge sharing – we're pioneering a culture of collaborative innovation.



What to expect add remove

In a Learning Partnership companies and students meet to exchange value; the students get an opportunity to learn new skills by practical implementation of the learning goals of their coursework and the client gets project deliveries in the form of strategies, reports or production of creative material and assets. Important to remember for clients is that you will be working with students still in training, who will do their best to meet expectations within the brief, but who is still “learning by doing” and who will once the project ends, move on to their next course.

Time allotment add remove

Projects are around 4-6 weeks, during this time you should be available for about 2-4 hours a week to support and touch base with students as they go and to feedback continuously. The students will alongside their project with you have a parallel learning track with workshops, seminars and similar to support and enable them to solve the challenges from the brief successfully.

Ownership add remove

You have ownership over the ideas and concepts presented by students, to further develop and implement them. An NDA will be applied to ensure sensitive business information remains tightly within the collaboration.

Sponsorship fee add remove

We ask participating companies to pay a sponsorship fee to work with our students. This allows us to fund a team of three people working with Learning Partnerships across all of our full time YH programs in Sweden; ensuring quality of project briefs for our students to get practical training in real client projects as well as supporting the clients in the collaboration. It also supports us to continuously develop our programs and ensure future talent to the industry.

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Upcoming briefs



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See full brief




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See full brief




This UX Design course covers inclusive design, ethical practices, and research-driven approaches, emphasizing diversity and preparing students to be accountable, efficient designers with a comprehensive skill set.


See full brief

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